Happy New Moon in the mystical and emotional depths of Water sign, Pisces, on 10th March, 9am GMT.

The Siren archetype was demonised eons ago with the suppression of organic feminine power because Sirens knew how to use their voices and natural gifts unapologetically and authentically.

This organic power, much like that of witches, was deemed problematic by a toxic patriarchal movement that conditioned us to separate from self and look externally for validation, control and consumerist resources.

Whether calling to the land to work with the resources of it sufficiently or calling to her people, the siren would connect with life via her voice and innate gifts.

The mystical side of the Pisces New Moon and stellium of planets in this sign is asking you to access your own emotional depths and innate gifts. To renew your faith within yourself firstly and reassess where your faith is placed externally.

Is your faith still in alignment with your values? Is your faith placed in unshakable and authentic sources?

This current energy also offers deep healing to us, to not only dig deep in accessing all the parts of ourself we might ordinarily hide to blend in but also to restore and realign misplaced faith.
Pisces themes of unconditional love and compassion are in abundance so be sure to laden them upon yourself first, filling your cup so deeply to a state of overflowing before it can spill out and support others. The powerful impact of this ripple effect and any work we do on our own healing will also flow out into the collective. Win win.

In too many years gone by we have been conditioned to do for others first, labelled otherwise as selfish but actually the opposite is true. If we fill our cup first we have more available and operate at a higher frequency to be able to serve others better.

How can you fill your own cup to a state of overflowing this weekend?


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